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- Pangolin en Afghanistan
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- un poney sauvage
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- BICOF – John Weeks Silent (mostly) comic of 2009 BICOF visit. Some small revisions will be added prior to printing.
- BICOF – Tomas (Korean)
- partment 3-G – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Phong BICOF (Korean)
- Why I Suck So Bad #10 : Hamlet, Prince of Suck What if Hamlet was a cartoonist?
- Why I Suck So Bad #11
- Why I Suck So Bad #12 Humongous title
- Why I Suck So Bad #13 Featuring SlugDog and special guest star.
- Why I Suck So Bad #14 Kinokuniya, Singapore
- Why I Suck So Bad #15 Visual inspiration.
Signing in San Diego
Che Gilson: I am going to be signing my book,Avigon at the Image booth on Thursday, July 14th at 1:00 p.m. So if you’re in the neighborhood come by and say “Hello”. And of course, buy my book

(any other San Dee news?)
Adios Ginger Meggs
Local Oz comics content takes a wallop.
[Courtesy Junoesque]
“Digital Freedom”
Tgl: 20-26 Juli 2005
Kampus STSI Jl Buahbatu no 212 bandung
Rabu, tgl 20 Juli 2005 pukul 10.00
oleh Menteri Budaya dan Pariwisata
Sekaligus penyerahan anugerah
“Lifetime Achievement untuk RA Kosasih”
dari wakil Konsorsium pembaca RA Kosasih,
penyerahan Reinterpretasi karya Utama RA Kosasih oleh
Ahmad Thoriq mewakili Komikus muda.
Pameran Komik, Studio kampus dan Penerbit
Pemutaran Film Animasi Lokal
Bazaar dan Musikomik
Tempat Kampus STSI Jl Buah batu no 212 Bandung
“Pengembangan Teknologi Digital Berbasis Manual”
Kampus Maranatha Jl Cihampelas 169 bandung
Senin, 25 Juli 2005
mulai pukul 8.00-14.00
1.Tony Masdiono (Pegarang buku 14 Jurus membuat komik)
2.Hariyanto (Bening Animation)
3.Hikmat Darmawan (Penulis dan pengamat komik)
Moderator: Guruh Ramdani S,sn
Reservasi: 40 (umum) 30.000 (Mhs)
Workshop Komik
“Drawing, Click and Publish”
Kampus Maranatha Jl Cihampelas 169 Bandung
Jum’at,22-Juli 2005
Sesi I & II
“Drawing Comics and Digital Solution”
dan “Deal With Publisher”
oleh: Lee Julian & Wendy (Megindo)
Sabtu,24 juli 2005
Sesi III
“Alternative Publishing:Comics Blogger”
oleh Ginkgonk & CommonRoom
Sesi IV
“Story Telling”
oleh: Arief Shidiq
Sesi V
“Visual Touring”
oleh: Akademi Samali
Reservasi: 30.000
Workshop Animasi
kampus Maranatha
“Stroy Telling and Modelling”
Sabtu,23 juli 2005
Sesi I
“Character design & Development”
Oleh: Digital Studio Collage Bandung
Sesi II
“Story board for animation”
oleh: Hariyanto (Bening Animation)
Sesi III
Minggu,24 Juli 2005
Sesi IV
“Modelling 3D”
oleh: Digital Studio Collage Bandung
Sesi V
“Introductory: Digital Imaging”
Oleh: Digital Media Collage Bandung
Reservasi: 30.000
Curhatz Komik
Kampus STSI Jl BuahBatu 212 Bandung
“Membaca Monster”
karya Naoki Urasawa
1.Hafiz Ahmad (pengajian komik DKV ITB)
2.Noviami (Goethe Institut)
Gratis (terbatas)
Media Art
Jl. babakan jati no 6 bandung
telp/faks: 022 731 6093
Hunting: Purwa 0811 230 396