Cell Phones

Palm Pilot comic from David Chelsea.

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French – Cambodian Cartoon Workshop

Will be sending one of its graduates, Nhek Sophaleap, to France!

(Above: Weeksy effort. Below: Weeksy web writeup.)

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Toronto Comics Arts Festival

So the Toronto Comics Arts Festival is underway.

Hey, isn’t Michael Fikaris on the same continent? Yep.

So, I met gary panter (he drew in me book), tony millionaire (we traded pens), chester brown (he rides everywhere here) on the first day as well as dozens of likeminded individuals too numerous to mention…let me say, its feeling like home already.

stall was great, brett from top shelf gave me a section next to jeffrey brown and i talked it up (over beeritos) with the top value sammy harkham of kramers ergot…only to learn he is moving to australia in jan next year…so there you go – yeah, heaps more goss but am in the middle of other things fer a bit…

got a place in a neat area, right near beguilling and am to be featured in two upcoming anthologies – one from montreal.went to comic jam last night – HUGE thing it is. also put true fantasy in a gallery in vancouver BC, opening tomorrow…blah blah. going to meet up with friends in new york at end of month – while tammi tours the states with eliza from the 25th for three weeks…miss all my good friends already! I geuss we are canalians now john…yeah?

More at http://froth.myblogsite.com

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Wellington Comics Exhibition

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