Deep Breath

Hey y’all, just to let you know that Athonk is now breathing free. he is outta the ‘den of sin’ and choking on the polluted air of freedom in Jakarta! Expect lots of news from him as he gets to finishing his comic book on prison life - which we hope will be published soon!!!! We’ll be scanning assorted bits n peices to share soon.



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Silent Army Fundraiser

===Sounds of Silent Army===
FREE event @ PLUG N PLAY ( 8-11pm )
Thu 19th May Kent St Bar // 201 Smith St, Fitzroy

Fundraiser for the upcoming publication of TRAILS ::: a regular free newspaper all about comics & related matter

Come down and watch the moving images and roaring sounds that form the bowels of inspiration for the soldiers of THE SILENT ARMY… ( see also

featuring an ALL-ANIMATION pixel smorgasbord with lush local screen action by: Lachlan Conn, Lindsay Cox, Silent Army, Jean Poole, So_Micro & more.. & assorted eye-popping animations by : Run Wrake (UK), Len Lye ( NZ scratch film pioneer ), Michael Snow, Norman McLaren ( canada ), Oskar Fischinger ( early 20th century A-V pioneer )
As well as scenes from anim_spectaculars such as Fantastic Planet (French 70s madness )
a Chris Wares doco, Fast Films ( photocopy origami @ 25 frames per second~!) various animated warp, ninja tune etc music videos & more…

Music to make comics by, featuring
Lachlan Conn ( live performance & tunes by the The Grim )
The Kieran Mangan Mp3 Explosion
Future Eater
& Other comic inspired soundscapes and ink-friendly tunes

BYO pens / textas / stainmakers and add a page to the collaborative You_Are_I_Am book…
( one of 100 sent around the world, to be returned by june 2005 for a Chicago exhibition by )
Pages to date scanned and clickable here

===Sounds of Silent Army===
Trails Fundraiser @ PLUG N PLAY ( 8-11pm )
Thu 19th May Kent St Bar // 201 Smith St, Fitzroy

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Poopsheet Shop relaunched

Now that I’ve conquered – with plenty of help — a few minor setbacks and technical hurdles, I’m happy to announce that the new Poopsheet Shop is open for business!
With the relaunch we’ve added around 25 new books, many of which are included in the graphic above. On the main page of the site is a “Newest Additions” section where the most recent are spotlighted. However, the entire list of new items is as follows:
• John Porcellino / La Mano – Diary of a Mosquito Abatement Man
• Robin Bougie – Cinema Sewer #16
• Ansis Purins – Duppy and Zombre vs. Slappy
• Mark Burrier – The Intruder
• Josh Simmons – All About Fuckin’ #s 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Pussies #s 1 and 2
• Chris Cilla – Hot Dog Holiday and A Moon, A Girl… Swonk
• Lonnie Allen – The Cheerleader & Other Stories, Boxer #1 and Tell Tale Signs
• Zeke S. Clough – Petstatic #5
• Dan Moynihan – Catching the Moon and Sidewalk Bump
• Jim Siergey – Pete the Pit Bull Puppy
• Dave Kiersh – Dave K. Greatest Hits
• Damien Jay – Plates Are Cult #2
• Warren Craghead – Jefferson Estates #s 1-3
Plus, there’s lots more just waiting to be added, including books by Robert Goodin, Derek Ballard, Souther Salazar,
Vanessa Davis, John Hankiewicz, Debbie Huey, Warren Craghead and others.
So surf on over, take a look, and let us know what you think!
Thanks for your time,
+ Poopsheet: (new site soon!)
+ The Shop:
+ NEW e-mail:
+ NEW address: Rick Bradford / PO Box 343 / Bedford, TX / 76095 USA

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Kids Week @ Comics Lifestyle

Bang! Zap! Pow! Comics aren’t just for adults anymore.

Palm Pilot Comic from from David Chelsea, and daughter Rebecca.

Amber Carvan notes a new arrival.

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Tango Vaudeville benefit

Dear friend of Cardigan Comics,

finally, ‘Tango Six: Love and Sex’, is almost ready to print (if you’re reading
this and think, “Hell, Bernard hasn’t got my story yet!”, then send it now -
the finallest of final deadlines is Sunday 29 May).

And yet before the book can be printed, money is needed to pay the printer, or
the ferryman, or somebody, so I invite you to a benefit vaudeville shindig to
be held, by a curious coincidence, on Sunday 29 May, from 4 – 7pm at a bar
called Wesley Anne, 250 High Street Northcote. That’s in Victoria, Australia,
so for those of you who are interstate or international, there’s still time to
get transport organised.

The homepage of the website at has this information in a
prettier version, and if you can think of other people who should come along,
please direct them there.

The book itself will get published next month, so there will be a launch party
in June or July.

Okay! That’s all! Come along, it’s going to be a great and crazy affair…


Bernard Caleo

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