A big well done to all the folks involved in organising a great weekend of New Zealand comic goodness!!
For those who weren’t, or drank too much Stag and can’t remember, here’s some pictures.

Brendon Philip is in the process of organising an exhibition of NZ comix at none gallery in Dunedin running from Thursday, May 5, till May 19.
Originals or large copies preferred, merchandise can be sold as well. Work can be sent to him at the gallery at 24 Stafford St, Dunedin.

“Water and Earth” : Sera’s thoughts on how to represent history via comics.

Cambodian/French Artist Sera returns to Cambodia for an exhibition of his new book, and some workshops for young artists.
The Exposition is open to the public from April 7th.
Thursday April 21st (6pm) the artist will present the exhibition to the public, followed by a CafĂ© LittĂ©raire / Rencontre and a dedication of his new book, ‘Water and Earth’ at Carnets d’Asie. More details at link below.
April Sera Exposition