Afghanistan Comics

Some intriguing comics from Pangolin about educational comics designed for Afghanistan.

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Are You Going to Buy That?

Are You Going To Buy That?

works by selected zine, comic book and graphic novel artists.

opening: Thursday 28 April 6.00 – 8.00pm

Exhibition dates: 29 April to 5 June, 2005

Venue: Town Hall Gallery, Rear Entry, 358 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 3122

Enquiries: 03 9278 4770

Hours: Wed-Sat 12-5pm & 1st Sun of each month

Also, Yeah Write! is a one day fair, whereby young writers, zine makers, comic book folk can acquire a stall to sell, swap and market their zines. This one day bonanza will be accompanied by music and spoken word performances, workshops and forums. The guys from SILENT ARMY will be doing their thingwith a big art event as well!

Date: Saturday 4 June, 2005

Venue: Hawthorn Town Hall, Upper foyer and Chandelier room Time: 12-5pm

Enquiries: 9278 4775

Cheers to for initial tipoff.

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Wellington Comics Weekend

from Black River Digital:

if you are in Wellington for the weekend of the 15th -17th April, whether for Armageddon, business, granny’s funeral etc, make sure you come along to the 91 Aro Street gallery New Zealand

Comics weekend! Bring Comics to sell or for the public to peruse, artwork for the walls, your reading glasses, handsome smile, we’d love have you along. Tim and Dylan are giving talks on Saturday at 5, and Robyn and I will have the cakes and coffee going all weekend (hopefully). you prolly all know about this anyway, but just a reminder….

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Kartoon Kocktail

Kartoon Kocktail 2005
Kartoon Kocktail is an annual screening of independent animation and comics performance, set to coincide with the Alternative Press Expo. This shimmery, silly two hours of cartoon fun is organized by Stefan Gruber, Davey Oil, Fausto Caceres, and Jesse Reklaw.
Friday, April 8th, 6:30-8:30pm
El Rio
3158 Mission St (at Cesar Chavez)
San Francisco
(near 24th Street BART)
$3 suggested donation
21 and over only.
Happy Hour from 5-9pm
people Free Tomales Bay Oysters on the half shell while they last…
Please show up on time. We will start promptly at 6:30PM!

The animation will be preceded by Slide Rule, Seattle’s cartoonist slide show performance group. Using laptop computers and board-room presentation software they lift comics off the printed page and spin them into live sound and digital light for their sometimes high-minded, sometimes low-brow performances.

Featuring works by: Tatiana Gill, Tyler Gillies, Stefan Gruber, Davey Oil, Helen Parson, Kazimir Strzepek, and Toddbott.

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Bingo Bath

Palm pilot comic from David Chelsea.

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