‘Mickey Mouse Spider’

has a glossy wraparound cover and full colour bond stock pages. It’s hand stamped too. 250 copies only, offset printed. 24 pages, slightly smaller than A5 when folded. Cute as a button.

Stories are “Mickey Mouse Spider”, “Fat Was Then, Piss Is Now”, “Naked Old People Sweating And Fucking” and “Lika”.

get yours via Aaron O’Donnell:


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Institute Pacome update

Bonjour à tous,

Des nouveautés et des rencontres pour janvier 2005 :


•L’Institut Pacôme accueille un nouvel auteur, Ariane Pinel, pour son premier ouvrage de bande dessinée “J’AI TOUJOURS VOULU ÊTRE HÉROÏNE DE BANDE DESSINÉE”

Une série d’historiettes en collection Coprin Noir d’Encre, 44 pages, couverture en sérigraphie trois passages, intérieur Noir & Blanc, 5,00 €.

Jonvon Nias sort le très attendu n°2 de son comix apeuprannuel “Psychoprophylactique relatif”, qui porte le joli titre de “TCHIP”.

Pour l’occasion, Jonvon inaugure une nouvelle collection, Clitopile pruineux.

Très dense, et pleins d’expériences graphiques et narratives, 76 pages, Noir& Blanc, 6,00 €.

•Depuis un an qu’il devait le sortir, le voilà qu’il est là : Sylvain-Moizie sort le n°1 de son comix bimestriel (environ) “LE PÉRIODIQUE DU COMMISSAIRE DE PAPIER BUVARD” sous la forme d’un journal à déplier dans tout les sens.

Histoires à suivre et autres essais croisés, 4 feuillets A3 recto/verso, Noir & Blanc + 1 passage couleur sur la page de couverture, 4,00 €.

•Une petite nouveauté en Levures, la mini-collection à déplier : “SÖJA”, par Baptiste V.

Noir & Blanc, 1,50 €.

•Et depuis décembre, mais on vous l’a caché, voici le collectif Franco-Allemand “CANICULE / HITZEWELLE”,où auteurs français et allemands se sont réunis sur quelques 80 pages.

Bilingue français et allemand, couverture en sérigraphie 3 passages, Noir & Blanc, 8,00 €.



•L’Institut Pacôme sera présent avec toutes ces nouveautés (et le reste du catalogue disponible) au salon COLLECTOO BD-MANIA, au Wacken, Strasbourg, les 15 et 16 janvier 2005 (ce week-end). Présence de Baptiste V., Jonvon Nias, Ariane Pinel, Marie Michel et Sylvain-Moizie.

•Dans le cadre d’un parcours BD, la FNAC Strasbourg accueille l’Institut Pacôme le samedi 22 janvier 2005 (le week-end d’après), de 11h à 18h.

Au menu : Présentation de l’Institut Pacôme au public en la présence de Simon Hureau, Baptiste V., Ariane Pinel, Jonvon Nias et Sylvain-Moizie, pour dédicacer leurs ouvrages (y compris les ouvrages parus chez les autres éditeurs).

•Et bien sûr, l’Institut Pacôme sera présent au Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême, du 27 au 30 janvier 2005.


Tous ces ouvrages seront bientôt disponibles sur le site web de l’Institut Pacôme , et sont déjà disponible par courrier (en ajoutant 1€ de frais de port au montant du chèque, à l’ordre de l’Institut Pacôme).

Voilà, le tout avec nos meilleurs vœux pour cette année,

Bien à vous,

Le larbin de l’immense Professeur Pacôme



[courtesy Altavista Translator]

Hello with all,

Of the innovations and the meetings for January 2005: INNOVATIONS:

L’ Institut Pacôme accomodates a new author, ARIANE Pinel, for its first work of comic strip “I ALWAYS DESIRED BEING HEROINE OF COMIC STRIP” a series of historiettes in collection Coprin Noir of Ink, 44 pages, cover screen prints of them three passages, interior Black & White 5,00 €.

Jonvon Denied fate very awaited n°2 of sound comix apeuprannuel “relative Psychoprophylactique”, which carries the pretty title of “TCHIP”. For the occasion, Jonvon inaugurates a new collection, pruineux Clitopile. Very dense, and full with graphic and narrative experiments, 76 pages, Black & White, 6,00€.

Depuis one year that it was to leave it, here it is that it is there: Sylvain-Moizie leaves the n°1 two-monthly sound comix (approximately)”the PERIODICAL OF the BLOTTING PAPER POLICE CHIEF” in the shape of a newspaper to unfold in all the directions. Stories to be followed and other tests crossed, 4 layers A3 recto/verso, Black & White + 1 passage color on the cover, 4,00€.

A small innovation out of Yeasts, the mini-collection to be unfolded: “SÖJA”, by Baptist V Black & White, 1,50€.

And since December, but it was hidden to you, here the collective Franco-German “HEAT WAVE/HITZEWELLE”, where French authors and German met on some 80 pages. Bilingual French and German, cover screen prints of them 3 passages, Black & White, 8,00€.


L’ Institut Pacôme will be present with all these innovations (and the remainder of the catalogue available) at living room COLLECTOO BD-MANIA, in Wacken, Strasbourg, January the 15, and 16 2005 (this weekend).

Presence of Baptist V, Jonvon Denied, ARIANE Pinel, Marie Michel and Sylvain-Moizie. Dans the framework of a comics course, the FNAC Strasbourg accomodates the Pacôme Institute Saturdays January 22, 2005 (the weekend according to), of 11h with 18h. With the menu: Presentation of the Pacôme Institute to the public in the presence of Simon Hureau, Baptist V, ARIANE Pinel, Jonvon Denied and Sylvain-Moizie, to dedicate their works (including the works published in the other editors).

And of course, L’ Institut Pacôme will be present at the International Festival of the Comic strip of Angouleme, from the 27 to January 30, 2005.

All will these works be soon available on the Web site of L’ Institut Pacôme, and are already available by mail (by adding 1€ carriage costs to the amount of the cheque, the order of L’ Institut Pacôme.). Here is, the whole with our best wishes for this year,

Yours sincerely, the flunkey of l’immense Professor Pacôme


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Wilnot, Dreadnought

Mandy Ord gets namechecked at able2Know.


Kieran Mangan: the man, the myth: appreciation at Dreadnought.


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Portrait of the Artist in Antwerp

i was in the best comic shop i ever seen the other day. called Bries in antwerp:

they publish stuff too buts they only got small independant press up to the giants like fantagraphics, but heaps of small handmade brain spew silk screen, fingerprints and glue stuff, theres a nice scene for that stuff in belgium it seems

look at
www.jellecrama.tk and www.dennistyfus.tk i hadda spend hours in there.

run as a non profit labour of love by a woman called ria. and they had that new
JIMBO IN PURGATORY book. fuckin thing wouldnt even fit in my backpack but it looks incredible. the only nz stuff in the shop was the MAUI graphic novel, some tatty anal attrocities and the new FRED THE CLOWN book. i never knew there was one must be real new huh? went to this comics museum but 1. i was exhausted and grumpy and 2. it seemed a bit rubbish. no original herge art or nothing. just heaps of shit figurines and keyrings. got that ron rege jr YEIST HOIST book tho. what a doozy.

also in bries was a copy of mangens URGH! he has no idea how it got there and also a copy of that one from hobart about a salmon fisherman? by ben someone? i forget its title but i think ive seen that particular comic in more unexpected corners of the world than any other. im not even surpriesed to see it any more.

finished 40 pages of win tanes bra. the city of tales novel. theres still a few more

to go.

pumice is on tour now. europe 2005. played belgium and amsterdam so far. berlin this week then denmark, norway (YO GREG!) ireland scotland. THEN i return to australia to play at whatismusic again in march. also on the bill is lightning bolt, sunn>>o, black dice, richard bishop and THE RESIDENTS. across melbourne, sydney, brisbane.




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Portrait of the Artist in Norway


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