NYR ’05

After doing a round of back breaking illustration work I decided to construct myself a drawing board. I bought a piece of MDF board for $8, got it cut to size. Nailed a piece of square doweling into the front of the desk then just leaned the board up against this and the wall. Voila! Instant drawing board at a fraction of the cost. So you could say one of my new years resolutions would be to spend more time making comics on my new drawing board.

-Anthony Woodward.

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Kontribusi komikus untuk Aceh…

If you can speak Indonesian, there’s a benefit Komik on the way for Aceh.


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Litterarsy Shits n’ Giggles

Nominations for the inaugural annual Ledger Awards include Mandy Ord, Dillon Naylor, Ben Hutchings, Leigh Rigozzi, Ryan Vella.


Commentary on the awards: http://saveded.blogspot.com/

Also informal awards for “shits and giggles” at Pulpfaction.net.


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Make like Felafel

Ryan Vella audio interview


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RIP Will Eisner

His final graphic novel ‘The Plot’ is out later this year.




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