Owl Poo

palm pilot comic by David Chelsea.

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Tsunami Relief Comic

Kansas City Comics Creators create a Tsunami Relief comic for the Red Cross, in league with Ronin Studios. I’ve never heard of either, but this sounds like a good effort.

Contact Rob Schamberger wia this thread at the CCN Message Board:



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Dark Moon Resolutions

Che Gilson (resolving to get professional work last year) is hard at work on Dark Moon Diary for Tokyopop, with Michael Vega.

“MY New Year’s Resolution is to work harder to make money!”

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Weeksy 2005

Last year’s resolutions? Still working on Cambodia comic. Managed to do an exhibition of Khmer comics, and another’s on the way. Pox Girls site didn’t happen but they are game to do one, am going to ask them to start filing away stuff.

Also managed to visit the States and share comics and cheer with friends I haven’t seen in years.

2005 Resolutions: Try to find a balance between curating and creating.

1. Get that Weeksy Cambodia Comic off.

2. Exposition V.2 with Indonesian exchange.

3. ComicsLifestyle.com continues to feature artists no one else dares to or cares to.

4. Make some damn money.

5. If item #4 permits, go to Australia and do Pox site.

6. Write more postcards, emails and letters.

There’s more, but that’ll do for now.

And you?

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Silent Army’s Kieran Mangan is doing anthology, so is Michael Fikaris and Lachlan Conn. (At this rate, who’s next?)

Delete the animal and insert standard net punctuation to email:

kjmangan mongoose at iinet.net.au

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