…is the first comic produced by Team: ComicsLifestyle on 24 Hour Comics Drawing Day, by Michael Fikaris (above) with special guest appearances from Rich Glorius, Nago Kunst, S. Cope, Cougar Flashy, Simon James, Q-Ray & Jo Waite!
And we are go! If you want to let us know what you’re up to, try Chat or Shoutbox on the left hand of the front page! Or comment on the 24 Hour Comics Group!
Michael Fikaris (above) takes the lead, with special guest appearances from James James (NZ) and Q-Ray!
Miromi is scouting out this San Francisco happening: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
On August 31st, 1990, Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics), originator of the 24 Hour comic concept, completed his first creative marathon. On April 24th, 2004 Nat Gertler organized the first 24HCD bringing together legions of participants all over the world in this annual event. In the years since, thousands have tried and many have succeeded in creating their own 24 hour comics.
They still have room for 5 more artists, if interested, contact Doctor Popular.
Comics Lifestyle has been listed as a digital participant for International 24 Hour Comics Drawing Day this Saturday, October 18th. So far we have yours truly (Phnom Penh) Miromi(San Francisco), Che Gilson (Hanford, CA) and David Lasky (Seattle). Care to give it a try?