Puisque le public l’a exigé
Épisode # 1 : Ayez Une Grande Masturbation !
Ben et David inaugurent leur podcast (probablement continu).
(Anglais) http://nakedfella.com/blog/?p=48
En comportant une entrevue exclusive avec Stan Lee, parlez d’obtenir vos bandes dessinées dehors à une assistance, nouvelles au sujet de la façon dont les bandes dessinées envahissent le festival international de comédie de Melbourne et un certain nombre d’extraits vilains de ‘The Lord of the Rings”.
Tags: comics
“Take a touch of Bollywood, the inspirational lyrics of Sin Si Simut, and the classic themes of Khmer novels; mix according to taste, and you’ve got Cambodia’s first English language graphic novel – Flower of Battambang. Drama, romance and adventure, Cambodian style! Join us this week for the premiere episode!”
Tags: comics
Indonesia is jumping into the Mobile Phone Komiks market, and Beng Rahadian of Akademi Samali obliges us with launch pictures (jam strips!) and a writeup.
Links: Akademi Samali, M-Komik
Tags: comics
Portland, Oregon, USA: David Chelsea has gone and uploaded “ID” – a new 24 hour comic – to his web page. We’ll be posting a page daily on the ‘Monster Blog Feed’ below for the next month. (Those who’d like to skip ahead and read the whole thing can view via his photo set – just scroll in reverse order.) Thanks David!
Tags: comics
Exhibition “Drawing Room”
Opening- 6pm, 1 February 2008, Rubies Wine Bar
Corner of Streets 19 and 240, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Artists: Panca Evenblij, Sopheap Pich, Piteak, Ali Sanderson,
Kong Vollak and John Weeks.
Drawings may be representational, depicting objects, living beings, or scenes which the artist views, remembers, or imagines. They may be realistic to the point of lifelike resemblance (e.g. traditional portraits), architectural drawing or looser approximations of reality (e.g. sketches), and highly stylized (e.g. cartoons, caricatures), or abstract (e.g. automatic drawing, entoptic graphomania)……
…..and that’s what the show is.
For more info please email pancaevenblij [via] gmail [dot] com
Postscript: Review:
Tags: comics