Fact or Fiction: Miracles

Ben Hutchings has some new animation for you.

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Tales from the Dark Side

Bill Térébenthine has some new comix for you.

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SpaceNite – Auction Update

(indie comicists helping mainstream pros in need:)

Hi everyone, here’s a quick update on the SPACENITE TRIBUTE SHOW. First
of all I just have to say, you are all awesome, thank you! The opening
night was a lot of fun, everyone who visited agreed that it was a
remarkable and incredible collection of art. I’ve attached one picture
from my camera, I should have some better ones soon.

The poster sales were great. The night of the show, the proceeds were
only around $200, but now we’re up to $400. I was hoping for more around
$1000, but I still have lots of posters left to sell and also the auction.

The bidding on the silent auction was a little disappointing, I think I
made a mistake by limiting it to just 3 hours locally. But it was my
first show of this sort and I’ve learned from it. I asked every bidder
what they thought if we extended the auction until the end of the month,
to raise more bids, and every single bidder was supportive. I felt bad
changing the rules like that, but I’m glad everyone agreed it was a good

So the plan is to put every piece of original art on ebay next Tuesday,
Dec. 18th. The longest ebay will allow and auction is 10 days, so they
will all end on Friday, Dec. 28th. The main thing I need to figure out is
shipping costs. There seems to be a lot of demand so I think it will do
well. If you have an original piece you would also like to auction, let
me know and we can coordinate all these auctions. On my website, and on
everyone’s various blogs, we can post links to all the ROM auctions that
are going on. Feel free to keep a bit for your time and materials, and if
there are proceeds remaining they can be donated to the SPACENITE MANTLO
FUND using the paypal button on my website (www.floatingworldcomics.com)

I’ll also make all the prints available to the rest of the world, but
it’ll probably take a few weeks to get all that info compiled on my

The tribute book is moving forward as planned. I’ve already talked with a
few parties that may be interested in helping with the printing. I want
to contact Hasbro to see if we can make it a positive endeavor for all
parties involved. I will also take time to solicit artwork from even more
artists who didn’t make the first deadline to be included in the book. So
you can let friends know the call for submissions is open again.

Floating World Comics
20 NW 5th Ave #101
Portland, OR 97209

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Rent Party!

La Mano Press (publisher of John Porcellino, Zak Sally and more is discounting its offerings, get something while the going’s good!

(in the pipeline: Jason T. Miles, Dead Ringer)

here’s EXACTLY WHAT is on sale, here: Diary Of a Mosquito Abatement Man by John Porcellino; Recidivist, Sammy The Mouse (book and screenprint) by Zak Sally; Portrait Of A Young Man Trying To Draw (and silkscreen print) by William Schaff; Wait, You’re Not A Centaur (and the corresponding silkscreen) by Nate Denver; and both the Low/ Dirty 3 and Zak Sally “anatomical” silkscreen. any other questions, just email them to orders [via] lamano21 [dot] com)

easy as pie: just go to the site and order some stuff via paypal, write “rent party” in the comments area, and i will paypal you back your discount as soon as i recieve the order, then send the thing(s) off to you.

and GUESS WHAT: orders over $35 (before rebate) get a FREE poster: either the Low/ Dirty 3 poster or the Nate Denver poster, you decide. AND: orders over $50, and you get a free (signed, limited edition) William Schaff silkscreen. like i said, this is just good through december 15. come on, you freaks.”


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Andy Brouwer provides a writeup on the premiere of Bopha Battambang.

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