Phnom Penh: Book Launch December 11

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reading at Powells, 2 girls

from Shannon Wheeler (USA):

This is a photo of the stream and photo stream etc.
The signing went great. I had a blast. There were a good 50 people there (I am very appreciative of everyone who came out – thank you!), double what they typically get. Some of them I didn’t even know. I was nervous to start but then it got going pretty good. With practice I should be able to get the transparency thing down. The streaming seemed to work ok too. There were over a dozen people who actually watched the thing ‘streaming’.

And here are a couple good plugs for the event:

I’m trying to get an animator friend to do an animation of two women sitting drinking tea, sharing one cup. I figure the overflow from the two-girls thing would be enough to make a small mint in ad revenue. What’s up with that anyhow? Hasn’t there been gross stuff on the internet for 10 years? Didn’t we do that the first week of dial-up? Aren’t we over the shock-value it’s-so-gross entertainment?

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Justin Hall, USA: On Saturday, December 8th, I’m going to be the Cartoonist-in-Residence at the S.F. Cartoon Art Museum. I’ll be making comics on a drawing table set up in the lobby from 1-3pm, and will be answering questions and hobnobbing with anyone who wants to talk to me. The Museum Residency program is a way to reach out to local creators and fans, as well as to give Museum attendees an opportunity to talk to a working cartoonist and understand more about the process of making comics.

Please come by and support your friendly, neighborhood cartoonist! I’ll be cold, alone, and sad if no one comes by to visit… how’s that for a guilt trip? To sweeten the deal, I’ll be giving away free copies of my True Travel Tales comics. Also, you get to check out the Museum, which is really quite wonderful, and has an unusually dynamic group of shows at the moment. Two uber-talented friends of mine, Lark Pien and Hellen Jo have solo shows of their work up right now.

I will be drawing, like in this photo, but I will be wearing warmer clothes.

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Rooftops Launch

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Chat with Cat


France has a stronger career track for comic artists; if you try hard enough, it’s possible to make a living drawing things besides superheroes.

This results in an impressive work ethic. For an entertaining overview of Francophone comic blogs, give Penelope’s site a look. Even while she’s off vacationing in Thailand, her cat steps in hosts interviews with an impressive roster of professional and aspiring creators.

So far:

Shyle (interview / site), Cha (interview / site), PoiPoi Panda (interview / site), Melaka (interview / site), Paka (interview / site), Aki (interview / site), Maliki (interview / site), Cathy (interview / site), Raphael B (interview / site), Paprika (interview / site) — and stay ‘tooned for more!

Tags: comics

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