Celebrating self-publishing in NZ
September 8th 10am-4pm
Wesley Church Hall
75 Taranaki St
Free entry
Zines, comics, workshops, arts & crafts, music, food
Free entry
Zines, comics, workshops, arts & crafts, music, food
The Stumptown Comics Fest will be held Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29 – 30, from 10 AM – 6 PM, at the Lloyd Center Doubletree in Portland, Oregon. Admission is $5 at the door.
The special guests for this year’s Stumptown Comics Fest:
- Matt Wagner will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of his influential creation, Grendel;
- Carol Lay, justly lauded for her long-running weekly strip, ‘Story Minute’;
- Pete Bagge, who created Buddy Bradley, one of the seminal comics characters of the ’90s;
- Webcartoonist Shaenon Garrity, who recently wrapped up her beloved daily strip, Narbonic;
- Mike & Laura Allred, whose joyous pop-inflected cartooning (including “Madman”) is a favorite of both independent and mainstream fans;
- Sarah Oleksyk, known as much for her gorgeously designed prints as her dream-inflected comics;
- and Ted Rall, famous and infamous for his political cartoons and comics journalism.
Exhibitor tables are still available, at $110 for a full table and $70 for a half table, through August 24th.
[Thanks to Steve Lieber for tipoff]
www.periscopestudio.com / http://mercurystudio.blogspot.com
Tags: comics,convention,portland
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