Win Tane’s Bra

Reviewed at Silver Bullet Comic Books.
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‘I Knew Him’, Act 1 Scene 6

Hello all,

If you click on the link below you'll be dropped at the beginning of
Scene 6 of Act 1 of 'I Knew Him':

For new readers (or indeed old readers) the navigation is pretty clear
if you want to go back into the story and get some sense of what has
led up to three people meeting underneath the John Medley building at
Melbourne University late on a Monday night late in May 1996…

If you'd like to be added to the 'I Knew Him' mailing list there's a
place to sign up in the 'index' part of the navigation.

Okay, that's enough – I need to keep inking page 30 so that it's not
another 6 months before I post another instalment.


Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics

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Séra Workshop

Séra Workshop
Khmer-French comic artist Phouséra (‘Séra’) Ing will be teaching a Workshop on Comics, aimed at young professionals.

Phnom Penh Dates are April 9 to April 12 – and after a short break, continuing/concluding April 18 – April 20th.

Séra is currently conducting a workshop at Phare Art School in Battambang.

Workshop Application – Khmer[PDF]
Workshop Application – French[PDF]

For the Phnom Penh Workshop, contact:

Responsable de la médiathèque du CCFdu Cambodge
214 rue Keo Chea (184)
Phnom Penh
(855) 012 802 702

muriel [dot] piffeteau [at] ccf-cambodge [dot] org

A Khmer Version of his graphic novel ‘Water and Earth’ will be available in Khmer shortly.
If you want to bump up the print run, pre-orders are encouraged

Emmanuelle Billier-Gauthier
Responsable du Développement/Development Manager
Centre de Ressources et de Documentation Cambodge Soir
Phnom Penh, Cambodge
ebgauthier [via] gmail [dot] com
00 855 (0)92 91 63 71

Séra Exhibition begins April 4th at Centre Culturel Français, Phnom Penh.

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BOY CRAZY call for subs deadline

Hi Girls!
The Boy Crazy deadline for submissions has passed – thanks very very much to all the fantastic artists who submitted work, the standard of subs has blown us away and we’re crazy excited about putting the book together.

We’re having a meeting this weekend to sort out all our content, so if you’re halfway through a submission and wanted to sneak it in late we can TRY to fit you in but only if you contact us immediately to give us a heads up on where you’re at and how many pages you’re working on, either by email or by calling Coco on 027 454 0266 or Mitch 027 224 5885. Unfortunately we’re going to have to be staunch about this one, anything that’s more than a week away will probably miss out… but keep in contact for future publications.

Thanks again for all your interest and support and contributions, stay in touch and we will of course keep y’all up to date with what’s going on with the book as it happens.


Mitch and Coco
Boy Crazy

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Centre Culturel Français, Phnom Penh
[translated from March/April Programme]
sera image

  • Wednesday, April 4: Meeting with the author at 18:00
  • Opening of Exhibition at 19:00 and author’s dedication at 19:30
  • Duration of Exhibition: From April 5 to May 4, 2007

As a comic artist, aficionado of comics, painter, artist and teacher of comics, and a person who is involved with information technology,

“Séra has long been working in diverse areas. In fact, this combination of these is the true nature of Séra’s work. One of Séra’s comics which is ascribed to the artistic experience of his, turns visual narration into information technology in order to learn about multicultural experience. In a dozen books, he already explored numerous narrative and figurative subjects. There is a feeling there are more surprises to come. It is rare that a strip cartoonist becomes a reference. Such is already the case of Séra.
– Phillipe Morin PLG

Born in Cambodia in 1960, Séra has never ceased producing art with reference to the history of his country. Two years after the publication of Water and Earth by Editions Delcourt, Séra is working on his third graphic novel relating to the Khmer Rouge regime to presented by the same publisher: Following Days of Ashes dates back to the events in 1979 during which the Vietnamese troops moved in and invaded the country, and the end of the Pol Pot era.

As such, not only this dual-purpose exhibition will provide an opportunity to unveil some aspects addressed in the above work, and also other work of Sera in large format.

To present this new work of his in Cambodia, Séra is preparing for three public events in Phnom Penh. An additional event of interest for those who are amateur graphic artists or amateur comic artists is the premiere of the graphic novel Water and Earth (licensed from Editions Delcourt) published in Khmer language by Editions du Mékong.

[More information on Khmer Edition and Artists' Workshop to follow.]

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