24 Hour Komik Indonesia

from Beng Rahadian:
We just made an event 24hour comics in Jakarta
Please see our comics:

Some frends of comic comunity in Bandung and Surabaya also did the same activities. We were exciting to do it, because it was a lot of fun and the togetherness feeling between us was high.

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‘I Knew Him’ Act 1 Scene 5

Dear Folks,

hello and welcome to the latest scene in my story ‘I Knew Him’, which
is a long story in comic book form published on the web. When you
click on the link below, it’ll take you directly to the first page
(page 20) of the most recent scene I’ve put up. If you click on
‘index’, you’ll be able to go back in the story. Also in ‘index’, you
can register yourself on the mailing list and find out each time a
Scene (or, alternatively, a longer Act, is published).


This scene was pencilled and inked up in Cairns on a recent family
holiday (August: so long ago now!), and on the originals, the ink leaked
into the paper a whole lot more than on previous pages, giving little
spider-lines running into the weave of the paper from the main drawn
lines, particularly towards the bottom of the page where the paper has
absorbed more sweat from my hands. Doesn’t really seem to be such a
problem in the reduced size web versions.

The scene is set in a great little cafe that used to be on Rathdowne
Street, La Casa del Caffe. It was one of my favourites, mainly
because of the amazing bamboo ‘cage’ that stood inside the shop. This
was the place I used to ride my bike to after picking up a fresh batch
of comics from Marty Trengove at ‘Dawg Gone Comics’. I’d sit under
that cage and read the latest ‘Cerebus’. It was there that I read the
infamous issue #186, sitting and reading open-mouthed that anyone
would have the gall to say what Dave Sim was writing. My reaction was
not so much condemnation, more amazement that he would DARE. That you

La Casa got a makeover, a ‘spiffing-up’ in the late 90s or so, the
cage got the boot, and I transferred my affections to Brunetti, on
Faraday Street. It was here that I burst out loud laughing at a
sequence later in the ‘Cerebus’ series, but that’s another story…

My thanks in this scene lie with Susan for her close pre-publication
reading and advice, and John Retallick for the gen on PNG references.

Next scene: our three heroes finally meet up and are faced with a
voice from beyond the grave.

Thanks for reading,

Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics

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big AUSTRALASIAN mini !!

Tags: comics hi hi everyone…. looks like the print on demand big arse mini go go goes ahead and will be available at this years SPX in USA (coupla days away?) many of the australasian – assasins responded to the call of rampant self interest and prudent thriftiness by sending them their pages (no really, its all about the comic medium…) and so there is a large antipodean representation.

I think the editor david recine at one point exclaimed “we could have a whole new zealand / australian section!”, so in all seriousness good effort everyone, thank you for making it look like the zombo still knows people.

heres the people from here i know that are in it, there maybe others i don’t know on the list.

Ben Hutchings Clint Cure Dave Bradbury Glen Smith Indira Neville Jeremy Woods Jess Johnson Mandy Ord Nick Potter Tim Danko Tim Molloy

congrats to glenn smith for scoring the back cover!!! cher !!

click here for some comics journal latest news about it, or here for the blog about the project.

rah rah the flag!

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Duck and Cover


The Pox Girls (Susan Butcher and Carol Wood) get a spot in Artillery, a Los Angeles art magazine. (Should be published on 14th October.)

And Pox 3 is to be featured in an exhibition at the State Library of Victoria that runs from 20th October to 26th February.

Tags: comics

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In the Pipeline

Regal Beast 3 anthology, Froth 19, Froth 13 reprints, Pure Evil 5 reprints.

Tags: comics

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