Das Stadtschaftschaubild


Expanding the comic book form into installation, Das Stadtschaftschaubild, an invented compound word, literally translates to ‘the cityscape diagram’. By unfolding multiple narratives through the gallery space this work continues the themes from Psychogeographies (2009), The Wave Collapses (2006) and Singularity (2002) to investigate and reveal the probabilistic nature of the urban environment.

The viewer is invited to become the absent protagonist through a subjective experience of space, visualising the imprint of our conditioning through architecture and asserting the gaze of the (historically absent) female flâneur.

The installation is then documented and transformed into a comic (of sorts).

So on the news front: I finished up at VCA last year and have been working at expanding the comic book form into installation. What this means is instead of being limited to the page I am using the comics form in the gallery space – and then making a publication from that.

After this I’m off to Berlin for a while, I got accepted into the Culturia artist-in-residency program and going to spend some time in the “fatherland”.

See you soon

Alice Mrongovius

Brunswick Bound
361 Sydney Road


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A Tale of Two Tangos

Yes indeedy! The launch is on, the heat is on, it’s all on and you should definitely come along to the launch of both ‘The Tango Collection’ and ‘Tango9: Love and War’. Allen and Unwin is publishing the former, Cardigan Comics is publishing the latter, and I’ve edited both.

Launch where:
Dante’s Upstairs Gallery
(Dante’s is on the corner of Getrude and Napier Streets Fitzroy –
climb the stairs off Napier Street)
Launch when:
6.30pm start, bit of a speech at 7.30pm or so
Thursday 10 December 2009
Launch what:
a ‘greatest hits’ book selected from the pages of Tango 1 – 8
57 contributors. 70 stories. 248 pages.
$35 on the night

Tango9: Love and War
a whole lot of new work
88 contributors. 76 stories. 352 pages
$20 on the night (usually $25)

More: http://anislandart.blogspot.com/2009/11/tale-of-two-tangos.html, http://www.cardigancomics.com/index.php/tango.html
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Comics Fiesta 2009

From Malaysia:

Coffy, announcing Comic Fiesta 2009 at Sunway Pyramid

Comic Fiesta 2009
Date: 19-20 December 2009
Venue: Sunway Pyramid


For our Artists, please read this thread.

You can now get tickets here! Here’s the good news: The price remains as it was last year. The better news? You can now pay via direct bank in. Please read the terms and conditions before you place your order.

Comic Fiesta 2009
Date: 19-20 December 2009
Venue: Sunway Pyramid


For our Artists, please read this thread.

You can now get tickets here! Here’s the good news: The price remains as it was last year. The better news? You can now pay via direct bank in. Please read the terms and conditions before you place your order.

Tickets are also available in retail outlets. Bring your friends along and get a discount on your tickets!

Edit: 4 December 2009

15 Days to Comic Fiesta!
Check out our 100 Days Countdown, as we approach the last 10 days with special artworks!

Art Competition is now open!
Wacom Intuos and Bamboo tablets are up for grabs! Join our Art Competition to win!

Artist Booth Applications are CLOSED!
Rough estimates that we may have over 100 groups making an appearance at Comic Fiesta 2009, so watch out! There’s going to be a whole lotta original and fan works coming your way!

Cosplay Competition Announced
Yes, all you cosplayers, our Annual Cosplay Competition is back!


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Le quatrième poulpe sort bientot de son trou

Le quatrième poulpe sort bientot de son trou

Salut à tous,
Merveilleux, splendides auteurs, dessinateurs, acteurs, musiciens,
etc… du Poulpe n°4 !
Si le coeur vous en dit, réservez-donc votre fin d’aprèm du mercredi 25
novembre pour venir festoyer (goûter-apéro) avec le Poulpe à Strasbourg
(au Troc’afé…) !
Et si l’envie vous prend de proposer une animation particulière, il
devrait déjà y avoir un peu de sérigraphie, de musique et danse folles
(merci Céd, cool !); les desinateurs, les acteurs… ont-ils envie de
dédicacer ? les autres de proposer un truc spécial ?… Tenez-nous au
courant de vos idées, par rapport au sujet (La f*o*/l/i*e*…) ou à vos
planches, et sinon, venez avec tous les enfants que vous pourrez !
Pour ceux qui n’habitent pas Strasbourg, le Poulpe ne peut, hélas, vous
défrayer pour venir à sa fiesta, mais vous loger oui, avec grand
plaisir… Le poulpe adore partager son antre.
Bien le bonsoir à tous, et à bientôt !

Ariane, secrétaire du Poulpe pour ce soir.

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Akademi Samali @ Indonesia Book Fair

4-8 November = Bazaar Komik-komik Indonesia

Di Ruang ” BOOK CINEMA” – Main LOBBY

Rabu, 4 November 2009 ( 14.00 – 16.00)
Membuat Design Karakter

Kamis, 5 November (14.00 – 16.00)
Membuat Komik Strip

Jumat, 6 November (14.00 – 16.00)
Membuat Flip Book (studio Lanting)

Sabtu, 7 November (14.00 – 16.00)
Dasar 2 Membuat komik jadi animasi (studio Lanting)

Daftarkan segera: akademisamali@yahoo.com
or telp ke Errie (021 996.26.056)

Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
Kamis 5 November 2009

Pk 19.00-20.30 WIB

“Jogja Dalam Komik Indonesia”

Pembicara :
1. Hasmi
2. Hikmat Darmawan

Moderator: Surjorimba

MInggu, 8 November (10.00 – 12.00)
Meet & Greet Komikus-komikus “Cintaku tertambat di Facebook”

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