Histoires de fantomes qu’on rencontre la nuit


is full color comic in French and Khmer by the students from Phare Art School, is now available at Fantastic Planet and other fine bookshops in Phnom Penh. (Edited and printed at 3D Graphics with support from ‘Rim Kin’ publishing program.)

‘Savage Pony’ Mandel oversaw the workshop with help from Srey Bandol in her fourth visit to Cambodia, in coordination with Libellus Association.

Want a copy? Unofficial arrangements can be made via email. Also, click for travelogue/workshop visit: One, Two, Three and Four.

tags: comics, cambodia

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Collective Comics

Sky Noise from Melbourne points our way to the Wooster Collective:

“Late last year we invited a group of our favorite artists to try their hand at creating a series of narratives featuring their characters and street iconography. Many of the artists had never tried adapting their work into a storyline, so the project became equal parts challenging, exciting, and – ultimately – extremely creative and rewarding.

The results of this experiment have just been published in our first “Wooster Comix” The book features a group of over 35 artists from around the world.


They include:

Dr. D, Goin, Lobster Roll, Travis Millard, Adam Neate, Bob Krobbauer, Allison Cole, Vinnie Ray, Mel Kadel, Jon Burgerman, Isoe, Justin Kees, Lennard, The Killer Gerbil, MCA, Diego Bergia, Cody Hudson, 0190ren, Matthew Rodriguez, Urban Medium, Pash, Zonenkinder, Ryan Browne, TVboy, Tofer, Rekal, Judith Supine, Numskull, Rafael Badilla, Tihm, Pure Evil, Anthony Lister, Drawwer, Caliper Boy, Eric Orr, Mike Clark”

[Note that aforementioned Pure Evil is not the Australian 'Pure Evil'.]

Tags: comics


Bang, Zoom

To the moon: six year veteran distro (New Zealand’s Moon Rocket) calls it a day.
Most small press distros last two to three years, this is a rarity. Kudos to Moira for outgrowing her original intent:


dear everyone,

this is getting ridiculous.

i started moon rocket when i was a university student. i had a flexible schedule and a big space of my own for projects. i was busy but it was easy to make time for creative projects, which was what i considered moon rocket to be.

six years later, i am working fulltime at a job i love, which takes a lot of my time and mental energy. [more at http://www.moonrocket.co.nz/]

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Operation Funnybone is ‘Go’


What do

Aaron O’Donnell
Adrian Ceroni
Alex Major
Alice Mrongrovius
Amanda Jane Penrose
Andie Tong
Anthony Woodward
Arran McKenna
Avi Bernshaw
Ben Constantine
Bernard Caleo
Bernard Nagle
Brendan Boyd
Brendan Tolley
Brendon Kirk
Brian Jordan

& Darren Jordan
Chris Lassig
Colin Wells &

Tony Newton
Daniel Cox
Daniel Reed
Daniel VanderWerff

& Daniel Quinney
Darren Close
Darren Moore
Dave Hodson
David Blumenstein
David Follett

David Kerr
David Li
Dean Humphries
Dean Rankine
Dillon Naylor
Doug Holgate
Gary Lau
Gary Wong
Gavin Thomson
Glenn Smith
Hayden Fryer
Henry Popienia
Holly ShorlandIan C. Thomas
Jase Harper
Jason Badower
Jason Chatfield
Jason Frazer
Jo Waite
Jules Faber
Justin Tan
Kenneth Chan
Kirrilly Schell
Lee Hislop &

Robert Forrest
Leigh Rigozzi
Lindsay Arnold

Mandy Ord

Marc Schmidt
Maria Francisca
Matt Bayliss
Matthew Huynh
Michael Li
Mike Delight
Nic Drury
Nikki Greenberg
Owen Heitman
Owen Nichols

& Tanya Nichols
Peta Hewitt
Peter Jetnikoff
Rachel Wasilejko
Rob O’Connor
Robert De Graauw
Robert Forrest
Shane Foley
Stewart Mckenny

& Annette Kwok
Sud Abbas
Talitha Nonvellier
Tee Hamilton
Tonia Walden
Troy Kealley
Trudy Cooper
Wen Chee
Zeldz Magnoonis
Zeno Sworder

have in common? They’re all in ‘Operation Funnybone‘, a compilation comic raising money for Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. It’s an strong team effort by a variety of Aussie cartoonists and organizations. http://www.funnybone.org.au/

Goss at http://ianthomasgraphics.blogspot.com
[Cheers for artist list and Funnybone image.]

Artists, if you’re on the rather impressive list, you may want to log on to the site and register where you’re at and what you’re doing!

Tags: comics

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Bonne année 2006

et tous mes voeux de réussite et de bonheur.
A bientôt! Daphné Collignon
Tags: comics

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